I was having another "One of those days" I have been famous for the past couple of weeks, so I decided to go for a hike and take Zeke. We did the 2.5 mile white trail and although it was really muddy, it was a great day. The Boys had no interest in going for whatever reason so I left them at home, and when we arrived the place was PACKED. There were these two guys unloading their mountain bikes and they liked Zeke. We chit chatted a little and off I went to the trail. During my hike every time we came up on some people I would get stopped. (Everyone loves a goat)
The wind got a little crazy during my hike and every so often sticks would fall from the trees, which would spook Zeke and he'd start bucking and kicking along the trail. Too cute. But then towards the end of the hike, this HUGE wind blew through and we really freaked out. Trees started falling over, and large limbs came crashing down. Zeke took off running down the trail...zig zagging and dodging the limbs, and I just crouched down like they teach you at school in the hallways during a tornado..scared outta my mind. I was thinking :If a tree fell in the woods, and no one was around..would anyone hear my screams for help as I lay trapped? Almost as soon as the wind started, it was over. I ran for the rest of the distance because I didn't want to get caught out in that again.
By the time we got out, the guys were back at the truck putting the bikes up. One of them came up and discussed my reasons for goat ownership, the wind, etc for a few minutes, and I was avoiding eye contact because he was cute and I looked like a homeless person.. no make-up, old dirty clothes, probably smelled. As I was putting Zeke in the car he asked me out. I couldn't believe it, and I started laughing. Then he started laughing...it was awkward. I explained that I was married so I'd have to pass. He said he'd never met anyone with a goat before and he thought I was cool so he took a chance. Awwww. Who knew a goat could attract so much attention? I came home and told Doug about it, and he agreed that he couldn't have gotten a good look at me. It HAD to be Zeke. Ha. Thanks, baby. Love Ya. :) I think I'll mention Zeke's abilities to my sister, Amy. She's single and looking, and not having any luck. Maybe a goat is just what she needs.
Well we know what the new "in" pet will be!
Great job missing the falling trees.
Now if I ever see and cute girl with a goat around here, I won't freak out and think I'm hallucinating.
It's just you!
BTW, best way to get motivated to do a tri is to make the commitment and sign up for one. Check out my schedule, there are a lot of sprints that you can do. Let's go girl!
Maybe you can send Zeke out to visit me for a weekend. Is that what it takes to get a guys attention?
Sounds like a crazy hike! Glad you made it out of the wind and falling tree limbs.
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