Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Yard Monsters...Tis the season!

Before (Click on photo)

After (Click on Photo)This poor dog had not been groomed since THANKSGIVING!! And she even brought in a cute photo of what she wanted him to look like. I call these dogs "Road Kill" make-overs because it looks like someone scraped the dog off the road and brought it to me. I also call them "Yard Monsters". This time of the year they all start showing up for the yearly groom and the owner usually brings a photo of a show dog and makes demands on me as if I had a magic wand or something. She told me she couldn't comb or brush him because he bites. Well great. No problem...I'll just bust out my wand and he'll be good as new! BWAHAHAHAHA! Needless to say, they all get shaved down. And because I was dodging teeth through-out the entire groom, it still looks like crap, but anything is an improvement!

And Zeke just wanted to say Hello and beg for help before I gave him his bath. He gets a bath once a week and he's always pissed about it. Click on his photo to see the terror in his eyes! Goats hate getting wet. He's better than a lot of the dogs I do though. Sweet Zeke! I love you!!

Tonight I have Speed Sessions and we are suppose to do another 5k time trial and I am DREADING it! This is the last winter session. I'll update you later on how I do!

UpDate: I skipped Speed Sessions and ran to the gym to meet Jessika and lift weights instead. As much as I was dreading the speed work-out, it wouldn't have been any good anyway. We lifted the heck outta some weights, though!


TriSonq said...

Umm. That was a dog?!?

Dances with Corgis said...

Completely and utterly adorable. Heehee... and I love the moniker "yard monster."

TriShannon said...

Too funny!

Sometimes changing things up is just what we need when not feeling a workout.

Chad said...

The dog looks better. Sounds like animal grooming could be workout to itself around your house ;-)

Allez said...

Zeke is SO cute!!!