Sunday, February 18, 2007


I am going to stew over this while I write, then "Let it go"....
I have been grooming this Shih tzu for about 2 years now. This man is a member at my church. He is VERY hard to deal with wants the dog in and out the door in an unreasonable amount of time, and is just a big whiner when I can't meet his demands. I bend over backwards for him and I always have, but it's never good enough. This past time I groomed the dog (A month ago) he made the appointment THE DAY BEFORE so I was already booked, but I fit him in anyway. His dog is a full-coated monster that is ALWAYS matted to the bone so he take almost 2 hours on a good day. Knowing this, he should realize I can't get the dog done in the half hour he thinks I should, especially considering the fact that I had 7 other dogs booked that day. But I took him in anyway because I want to try...once again... to make him happy. He called over and over wondering why the dog wasn't finished yet, and why I told him to bring it so early if I couldn't do it right then. The truth is I have no idea how my day will go so if the dog is there waiting, I can get to it when it is convenient for ME if he wants me to squeeze him in. If he makes an appointment and wants me to start right then, then he needs to book in advance and be there at 8:00am. Otherwise, be there at 9:00 so I can get my husband to bathe the dog and I'll get to it when I can. Well, he was ticked when he picked him up, and unhappy about the de-matting charge I added, and I didn't hear from him again till today at church. I asked him where he had been and he said he wasn't happy with the time it takes me to do his dog, and the price I charge so he's going somewhere else. He also said I have too many dogs there. Now I have worked at other shops, and I can tell you most dogs are there ALL Frickin' DAY! Where is he taking him that he is in and out? And considering the shape that dog's hair is always in, it takes an eternity no matter what!! I try to be off work everyday by 1:00 or 2:00, and he has NEVER been the last dog out the door, (He's usually the first) How much faster can I be? And as far as pricing goes, if someone is grooming him cheaper than me then they are screwing themselves, and will get a gut full after about the 3rd groom and the price will go up. Mark my words! He bitches that it's "Just a bath" Bla Bla Bla..but I can groom THREE DOGS in the time it take to bathe and brush that damn dog, so if that's the case I am actually UNDERCHARGING him. And, most shops have 30 or 40 dogs there at a time! I do on average 7 or 8 a day....(sometimes more, but I'm on the lazy side so that's usually it) Does he think he's the ONLY person in Brentwood with a dog that needs grooming? And if I am so bad, then why do I even have other dogs there to begin with? I must be doing something right to be so booked. And do I not deserve to make some money...or should I just be grooming a couple of dogs a day just for the "fun of it" . What is this guy thinking with that comment? It just makes no sense to me either way. Screw it. He'd die if he took a tour of the holding area of most shops. There are dogs piled to the ceiling! The truth is I've always wished he would just take the dog somewhere else, but I have to admit I am insulted that my best wasn't good enough. What an ASS!!!!!!Ok....I have vented. Deep breath...Let it go :)

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