Friday, February 16, 2007

So Very sick

As it turns out...there's A REASON I don't do Cold and Wet. I ran the Speed sessions Tuesday night in the rain...and I even knew better, but I didn't think I would REALLY get sick. Well, Wednesday morning I woke up with a BAD cold. It serves me right. I am so stuffed up, I can't do anything but sneeze and blow my nose. My throat hurts, and I am exhausted. I can't breathe at night so I have to sleep with my head propped up, and I have throat spray by the bed to calm the coughing. It's awful. The bad part is I have had to work during all of it. No calling in sick for me. I was supposed to go lift and swim on Wednesday...didn't Percy Warner yesterday...didn't happen...But I did get to the gym today for my microfit test. I figured I'd do horrible on the cardio since I can't breathe but I scored excellent on everything surprisingly. I weighed 131lbs today and my body fat is 15.8%. Not too shabby. My weight range is 128-133 depending on the time of the month, etc. I have been as low as 119lbs last year, but that is way to thin for me. I don't worry a whole lot about my weight anyway...I usually go on how my clothes are fitting.

AFter I did the Fit Test I went and did upper body with the weights. I am changing the way I lift and I am going to try the Body For Life program as far as the weight training goes. I don't think I need to do the diet because there are not enough carbs which I need for the running I do, but I definatly think I need to improve my eating habits. I don't think I eat enough, and when I do eat, it's all the wrong stuff. I usually wait till I am starving, then I cram junk down. It's bad. So..I am going to try to choose better food, and eat 6 times a day like the book says. Just more carbs than the book calls for. I'll never be able to run a half marathon or train for it with that tiny amount of carbs.

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