I was supposed to do Speed Sessions tonight at the track and do a 5k time trial, but it's supposed to rain so Mary Thom and I went to the Vanderbilt track and did it. I used the virtual trainer on the Garmin and set it for 26:00 because I thought there was no way I would do better than that on a boring track. Well....I beat the heck out of it. 22:59 was the final time! I am absolutely thrilled, and I almost wonder if it's right. It has to be right, though. The distance says 3.11 and it stopped timing me at that and a message came up that said "You Win!" Mary Thom did a 24.30 which is a P.R. for her as well. I called everybody I know and gushed about this P.R. I just set. It feels so good to see the times dropping..I HAVE to tell people. Nobody cares, but oh well. Then I went by Fleet feet to show them the Garmin and log my time so they could give it to the coach. Since they know me at least they were impressed. I don't think I could do a time like that on the road...yet...because the road isn't flat like a track, but still...I'll take it!
UpDate: As it turns out it DIDN'T rain at all. Not a drop! But Doug and I have been married 8 YEARS today!!!!!so we went to Stoney River to celebrate so it all worked out anyway. I can't believe it's been 8 years.( We have been together 11) We have been through hell and high water and we are still here. Happy Anniversary, Doug! I Love You!!
Congratulation on Both. 25.59 and eight years!! I never would have thought.
OMG I am sooo sorrry 22.59 22.59 22.59.
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