Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Flu

I haven't done crap this week. I came down with the flu Tuesday, and I haven't left the room. I finally got up this morning at 5:30 because my back hurt too much to stay in bed any longer. This is the 2nd time in 3 weeks I have been bed bound. (I had vertigo in Florida REALLY bad 3 weeks ago). Bailey had a 103 F temp on Friday and was sick all weekend, then I came down with it...although my fever hasn't exceeded 101 f. Then Connor came home from school early yesterday with it. His fever was 102 f. It feels like I have been hit by a truck. All my joints hurt, sore throat, fever, coughing, chills. A few days ago I weighed 128 lbs and I weighed this morning and I am 122 lbs. I think this is because of the buckets of sweat I have produced over the past few days. In the 7 years I have been grooming dogs, I have never had to call clients and cancel on them. I had to yesterday morning. On Tuesday Christy was working at my place so she did a lot of the dogs for me.

Also, my running partner, Jessika, has a stress fracture in her ankle. She did the 20 mile training run Saturday and it started bothering her at mile 10, but she ran through it because she's tough like that...but as the day went on, it got worse. She went to an orthopedic doctor (who is also into running) yesterday, and the x-rays confirmed it's broken. This sucks because her parents were flying in from Boston to see her run the Country Music Marathon, but she won't be running again for at least 6 weeks. She's so strong on her training runs, too. You'd never know she just ran 18 or 20 miles. I guess her ankle knew, though. I had a stress fracture up in my foot back in 2004. I started training for Chicago right after the country music and my foot just couldn't take it anymore. CRACK! Couldn't run for 8 weeks after that. MAybe we just aren't supposed to run that kinda of distance. I think after this half marathon in 3 weeks, I might not run like this anymore. Maybe stick with speedier races like 5 or 10k's. Do more Tri's so at least I am forced to cross train. Or take up biking and race. My poor body is worn out from all this distance running. I am supposed to do the 10 mile moon pie run in June, but I am having doubts about it. I just don't enjoy the distance running anymore.


Allez said...

Sorry to hear you're sick! That sucks. Get to feeling better.

TriSonq said...

Ooo, you sound like you're going through hell.

The germs are partying at your household.

Maybe your feelings about distance training will change when you feel better. Maybe you're just delirious.

Get well, Laurie.

TriShannon said...

Get well soon!!

I think we go through phases. I typically have to put at least 2 years between marathons... just take a break from that kind of distance and training. Allow time for the body to heal, mix it up with speed work and shorter distances and recharge the desire.

Michele said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Once you start cross training and are running less you might find the love again. Worked for me. But if not, Tri's are a LOT of fun.

Chad said...

Good luck and get well. Like others said, your feelings will probably change once you get well. I'll say I've never been a "long distance" person myself - I like the weekly long run but not the training required for a marathon or similar races. I like the cross training for tri's better.