Thursday, April 19, 2007


Today I ran with Christy. We started off at Granny White Park and did 4 miles in 45 minutes...which is excellent for her considering it takes her that long to run 3 miles when she's on her own. Then after that we came back to my house and she got on my Trek and followed me while I ran my 5 k course. We left at 3:35 and returned at 3:58. So that's a 23 something. (I didn't have my Garmin on.... just going by the clock in my car so I don't know how many seconds) I am VERY excited about this because I haven't been able to run well in WEEKS and I haven't had a 5 k time like that since Feburary. I don't know if it's the new clean eating plan I am on, or the super-extra long rest break I took, or a combination of both. I know Christy made a difference because she never stops when I keep pushing her, and I couldn't stop if she doesn't I really pushed it today. THANK-YOU Christy!!!!!!

FOOD UpDATE: I did Really well today, and I ate my weight in Food..yet I was always hungry and ready for it. I won't bore you with the detail of every meal, but dinner was good enough to talk about. We had broiled Mahi Mahi which I marinated in a bunch of spices and lemon juice, asparagus (this was marinated in Balsamic dressing..which did have a touch of sugar in it, but it was far down on the list of ingredients so I went for it) and Mango salsa. OMG the Salsa was SO good. I got these recipes from the fish department at Harris Teeter because the Tuna recipe in the book was going to be too expensive. Still stuck to the diet though. The whole menu was delicious and I feel better after eating this way. I have been worried about carbs but I think there are PLENTY. Just not from anything sugery or processed. Healthy Carbs. If I find I am not getting enough..I'll do a Gu or something during my runs, but so far so good. I know I am going to have some whole wheat pasta before the marathon, and I am making my spaghetti sauce instead of the jarred stuff..(Full of sugar). That and a Gu should get me through the half no problem. I'll honestly let you know how my runs go on this eating plan so we can all decide if it works for endurance runners. I'll be the Guinea Pig. Still trying to get the nerve up for Before and After shots.


TriSonq said...

Uh oh. If you're going to run that pace, you're going to kick my arse in the race!!!

Chad said...

Great run!!!

Congrats - sounds like you are getting back to full speed.