Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Latest work-outs and new Food

Yesterday Christy came over and ran three miles while I was finishing up a dog. Then we loaded up the bikes and went to Crockett Park for a bike ride. This was the first time in 12 years that she has been on a bike. I let her ride my Trek,....which is s mountain/Comfort type of bike, and I rode my road bike. We went slow and did about 7 miles. No biggie, but fun and different for her. Then we walked to the gym and lifted weights.

Today I managed a 6 mile run/walk and it was HELL! I am STILL not feeling 100% but I covered the distance. I walked a lot then some chick ran past me..so I ran right behind her letting her pace me. It was good because her pace was slower than my usual pace, so I managed to run farther than I have been able to for the past couple of weeks. I'd say I did 2 miles without having to stop on that interval. Then she turned off and I immediately started running too fast again and walked. I'll be glad when I can run again. There HAS to be an end to this madness. But, at least I'm back at the gym and running.

The eating plan Is going really good, except it's SOOOO much food. I mean, seriously..there's no way I can eat that much. I have managed to eat 3 times already today, and dinner will be soon..then a bedtime snack, so I only skipped one of the meals today. (I ate 6 yesterday) The pork chops I made tonight are so spicy it set me on fire when I tasted it...live and learn. I know Bailey and Doug will eat them but there is no way Connor will and I am having doubts about me. I also made Pico de Gallo and sweet potatoes. For breakfast I had scrambled egg whites with cherry tomatoes, and multigrain toast with honey. Then for a snack I had cottage cheese on top of 1/2 apple and red grapes, with a glass of Vanilla soy milk. YUM. Then I also had some almonds and spinich salad with lemon juice. That's Alot of food for me. Doug has lost 2.5 pounds since yesterday from eating like this. I am SO glad because he seriously needs to lose some weight. He works out 5 times a week, but he looks like someone who sits on the couch all day eating ice cream. It's his diet. I don't want to lose, just flush out the gunk. I hate the jiggly stuff when I run so I think that will be gone in a few weeks.


Allez said...

A lot of the "eat clean" diets are fairly light on the carbs. That's my biggest worry about ever trying them. Wouldn't want to "bonk" during a long run. Does the book address endurance sports?

Laurie said...

No.. And I have worried about that, too. I think before a big run I'll just eat extra carbs..but keep it tight the rest of the day. There is a TON of fruits and veges..Oatmeal, Kashi, whole Wheat multi-grain breads, sweet potatoes, etc...just no processed, sugery, prepackaged carb loaded stuff. (Which is what I usually eat)I'll probably pack some Gu's and cliff bars, etc for work-outs just in case.... But I am ALREADY seeing definition in my abs and this is a first in 10 years so I am going to give it a go for 12 weeks and see how I do. Plus..I am usually REALLY bloated this time of the month and I am flat this month. WOO-HOO! My jeans fit normally.