Thursday, April 12, 2007

F'n Bleep!!!!

From a runner's perspective...I just went on the most pathetic excuse for a run in the history of runs. What the HELL??? Is it STILL too much to ask my body to do? It's been 10 days since I got sick..and my mind is ready..but when it asked my body to just...couldn't. I am so frustrated right now it could kick through a wall. I have a half marathon in 9 days, and I literally couldn't run from one mailbox to the next today. I have never felt so weighed down during a I was trying to carry a 250 lb man on my back. Am I going to have to walk this HALF?? My lungs WILL NOT fill up with enough air, my feet won't lift from the ground....I am coughing like a pack a day smoker...and my head is pounding so loud I can hear it. Should I even be trying to run through that? Is that my body's way of telling me I will drop dead if I keep on pushing it? Is this a mental barrier I can run through..or a physical one that's going to need a few more days..if not weeks to get past. How can a few days of sickness destroy my fitness level the way it apparently has?


Allez said...

You'll be ready in another 9. It takes a while to fully get over being sick. I know having a bad run can REALLY ruin confidence. But don't let it get to you, you'll be back up to speed by race day! :-)

TriShannon said...

If you still feel this bad I say don't do it. It is not worth your health just to finish a half marathon. If you get better, well that is different. I will hope for the later for you!

TriSonq said...

Just give it some time and hopefully your body will adjust back to running mode. Remember, you were sick with the flu which absolutely KILLS the body.

Umm. A race in 9 days? Which half are you doing? The CMM half, if that's the one you're running, is on the 28th.

Try not to get frustrated. Nine days (if that is the time to the race), a lot can happen recovery-wise.

Happy & healthy thought to ya!

Laurie said...

Yeah..You're right. I don't know what I was thinking with the 9 days. (Duh) Whew! That gives me more time to get healthy.