Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Diet that works TOO well!

Ok..The new eating plan need some tweaking. I went from 128 two weeks ago to 119 today, and I wasn't trying to lose weight. I look like an anorexic which is my worse nightmare. I am weak, too. There are carbs..lots...but they don't "Stick" if that makes sense. Nothing is really stored. This works great if you are not an endurance runner and you are trying to lose weight. But yesterday I went for a run and Bonked" (You were right Allez). This could be fixed if I eat more pasta and take some Gu's..but I haven't done that this week and it was a very difficult run. Nothing left in the storage tank after 2 miles. This will not work for me. On the other hand, my husband has lost 9 pounds this week and looks better already. His face is even thinner. Our metabolisms are so supercharged it's crazy. I am not going to post a before pic of me because I look grotesquely skinny. My abs show. Big woop. It's what I wanted but now I think I prefer me with about 8 or 9 extra pounds. This week I am going to eat alot of rich foods and try to store up some fuel for the race this weekend. Today I went for a run after drinking some Gaterade and eating peanut butter crackers and I felt decent.

Moral of the story..If you want to look lean and mean in a short amount of time, this diet is a sure shot. If you are already thin ...don't do it. You'll waste away. I am gaining it back hopefully this week because I seriously want to cry when I look in the mirror.


Chad said...

That's some roller coaster ride. I don't think my weight has varied by more than 8 pounds total in the last 6 months - and I'm about 50% heavier.

Thanks for the thought on the Speedplays, I went with the Shimano PD-520 and really like them. For the extra $100 it would have cost, I'd probably start looking to upgrade bikes. I haven't really invested in my biking gear yet.

Allez said...

I can't believe that diet made you lose SO much in just 2 weeks!!! I've been reading Chris Carmichael's "Food for Fitness", its all about eating for endurance sports. About 70% of the diet is carbs, giving the body enough to have energy for longer rides/runs.

Diet has always been a tough one. I want to drop some body fat, but not weight. Its a balancing act to be lean/muscular and have enough energy to go out for a 2 hr run!!!

Laurie said...

I know!! See..That's what I want. Go down on the fat, but not look skanky..and have fuel for my runs. It's an excellent diet to do if you're going to go to the beach. It just doesn't have enough for endurance running because you get just too skinny. I am going to keep doing the 6 times a day eating, but find some richer carb sources and see if it makes a difference this week for the marathon and my overall appearance.

TriShannon said...

That is a lot of weight to drop so quickly. Sounds like you were already really skinny. Definitley add more carbs for the endurance factor!

TriSonq said...

Careful on those diets. You MUST have fuel to do the endurance stuff.

CMM this weekend. What corral are you in?