Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Yesterday I went for a run to the gym...lifted weights....then ran back to my house. Then I ran another 3 miles. It was about 5 miles total, and I had to walk a bunch of it. BOOOO! Then this morning I got up @ 4:30 and went to Swim team. YAAAYYY! I swam really well today, but I don't have the stamina yet for the entire 1.5 hours. We move outside after memorial day for the long course and I am NOT looking forward to that. The water is 83 degrees in the indoor pool and it feels like ice to me, so the outdoor pool is going to make me scream. I might not ever get the nerve to get in! After Swim practice I came home and went back to bed for a while till my first client came. Then after work I went and got some fins, paddles, and a swim cap because I have been borrowing these things for other team members. I also got a new Speedo two piece. My other "new" one is already looking worn. Then I went and got an awesome micro-dermabrasion treatment which I traded for dog grooming with a girl who does facial's. (I am a fan of the barter system. I got a massage two weeks ago (90 min) from another girl for grooming her dog, too. )Bliss! My next treatment and massage is in two weeks. All is well in my world today. :) (And, I haven't heard a peep out of my crazy- ass neighbor!)

P.S...if you have a chance..make sure you check out Matt the bike store dude's blog. He has an excellent article on why bikes cost so dang much. Interesting!


Allez said...

1 1/2 hrs is a long swim class... I only wish mine lasted that long! I need a new swimsuit too, they seem to break down fast. I prefer the 2 pieces, they're more comfortable.

TriSonq said...

Look at you keeping up with the training schedule.

I can't wait til they open the outdoor pool Memorial Day weekend. I'll be joining you out there once that happens. Woo hoo!

BTW, I signed up as a volunteer at the GJCC tri. Body marking and finisher medals. I was inspired by Little Miss Runner Pants ( I better see you there!

Laurie said...

Oh I'll be there...You'll see me...It won't be pretty, but you'll see me alright! Have a beer chilled in your cooler!

Chad said...

Stay after it. Sounds like you are starting to really get after it. Your barter system sounds great, after sleeping all week sitting upright on airplanes a massage sure sounds nice . . . .