This is Michele, Lana, Patrick and Me. There is another girl pictured here I did not know. I think her name is Amy.
Back at the trans area I re-racked the bike and put my running shoes on and my sports bra over my speedo. I was so tired at this point and I hadn't practiced any bricks so that first .5 mile was rough. I didn't have an iPod either so I was hurtin'. Once again I focused on picking off my age groupers and passed nearly everyone this way. Then David caught up with me and ran with me for most of the last mile. I saw Christy at the finish line! And my friend Valerie. (Valerie is the one who talked me into this whole thing and she didn't even get to do it due to the race filling up. ) I decided to stick around for the awards ceremony and I am so glad I did! I could not believe it when they said I was first because I felt like I did awful...(But I always feel that way in a race).
Here are my splits: Swim-5:14 Bike-35:47.74 Run-18:35.74
Non of those look impressive me me..but they somehow got my in first place in the beginner I'll take it! The run was especially hard on me due to me not having my iPod/crutch and never practicing bricks. It shows in my time.
Update: I just got an email which said they had tecnical difficulties with the Transition Mats so out Trans times are included in the bike and run times..which means I did better than I thought on those. Whew..I thought I REALLY sucked on the run...But add about 2 or 3 minutes to that. (I was in the transitions FOREVER!)