Tuesday, February 27, 2007

1st grade School Production

Uncle Sam

Connor, Barrett, and Grahm

Daddy, Connor, and Mommy

Tonight we went to Connor's President's Day program at his school. It was so cute and he had a speaking part at the very beginning. He was Uncle Sam. He would have taken over the entire production if they had allowed it. He's one of those people that HAS to be center stage at all times. My other son is the exact opposite. He HATES doing those little school productions. But, I have a feeling Connor will do Drama Club and Choir and anything else he can do to be on the stage as he gets older. They did a quick P.T.O. meeting beforehand (Yawn) then the kids sang some songs and talked about the different presidents, then it was over and we went to the classrooms to visit, and now we're home.

I took Connor to a doctor's appointment today, then I dropped him off at school and me and Christy went trail running. We did the 2.5 mile White trail and then ran some on the 2 mile loop. We ended up doing around 4 miles in all. I am really proud of Christy because she is taking this running thing seriously. Her plan is to be ready for the Cinco de Mayo 5k (on May 5th ..Duh) and I have no doubt she'll be ready for it. She wants to be able to run the whole thing without stopping, and I told her if she sticks with the training plan, I will buy her a new pair of running shoes before the event. I'll even do it with her. I have a Half-marathon the week before so I won't be ready to run a 5 k the next weekend anyway. It'll be fun. I ran the Party run with Cora last summer and it was one of the funnest runs I did because I could relax and enjoy it for a change. No pressure to beat my time or any of that craziness, or sickness I usually experience before a race. I think I will even dress up. I LOVE dressing up for races. Anyway, today has been a much better day. Tomorrow the plan is to hit the gym around 1:15, then swim around 2:00. I am really going to try to get all my swims in during the week because I want to do well in the swim class I have paid 40 bucks to be a part of. It's a waste of cash if I don't do my homework.

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